
Financial & other corporate information

HÂþ»­ Graduands in the Britten Theatre at Graduation
The HÂþ»­ recognises its responsibility to achieve value for money from all its activities, pursuing economy, efficiency and effectiveness as part of our overall aims and objectives.

Our primary goal is to invest in our students and our ability to continue supporting learning, teaching and research long into the future.

If you are looking for information on courses fees at the HÂþ»­, visit our Fees & funding section.

The Royal College of Music’s investments are managed on behalf of the HÂþ»­ by ,  and . Please visit their respective websites to find out more about their Socially Responsible Investment Policies.

Registered charity

The Royal College of Music is a registered charity, number 309268.

For more information on our charitable status, please visit  website.

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