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Professor Vanessa Latarche
Ian Jones
Simon Lepper
Barry Douglas
John Lill
Professor Dmitri Alexeev
Charlie Andrews
John Byrne
Nigel Clayton
Danny Driver
Gordon Fergus-Thompson
Norma Fisher
Caterina Grewe
Sofya Gulyak
Julian Jacobson
Diana Ketler
Dinara Klinton
Ilya Kondratiev
Jianing Kong
Dorian Leljak
Leon McCawley
Mengyang Pan
Dina Parakhina
Vitaly Pisarenko
Edna Stern
Kathron Sturrock
Richard Uttley
Andrew Zolinsky
Martin Bartlett
Alim Beisembayev
Roger Vignoles
Elizabeth Burley
Michael Moran
Martin Ford
David Graham
Dr Martin Schmeding
Andrew McCrea
Royal College of Music
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BS
United Kingdom
Registered charity No. 309268
+44 (0)20 7591 4300
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